Since 1974 the Trade union federation for Professionals is one of the three trade union federations in the Netherlands. The interests of professional and managerial staff were under pressure in the seventies. This was the main cause for founding a pressure group at national level. The Trade union federation for Professionals is a neutral organisation, so without a religious or political ideology.
As a central trade union federation the Trade union federation for Professionals is involved in the socio- and financial-economic policies in the Netherlands. As such she represents as an acknowledged trade union federation at national level the interests of the members of almost fifty professional organisations and trade unions.
The Trade union federation for Professionals represents the members of the organisations associated with the Trade union federation for Professionals at national and regional level in many consultative and advisory committees. These are the Social Economic Council (Sociaal-Economische Raad, SER), the Labour Foundation (Stichting van de Arbeid, StvdA) and the Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore the Trade union federation for Professionals participates in the periodic consultation with the Dutch government on socio- and financial-economic policies.
At European level the Trade union federation for Professionals participates in the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). She also represents all Dutch trade union federations in Eurocadres. This organisation consists of organisations for professional and managerial staff in many European countries.
The Trade union federation for Professionals focuses on numerous topics such as terms of employment, industrial relations, working conditions, equal opportunity, participation, social security, pensions and education.